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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

                             Introducing a new children’s mural:

                                  “Underwater Playground”

Children have an uncanny ability to access imaginary worlds filled with knights in armor, playful dragons and heroic deeds….

Or pink ponies, magic castles and princesses.

Any world they please, actually.

Toys are just a way to support the journey to the dream universe they decide to create.

So is their bedroom or playroom décor.

When our children play, reality disappears and their imagination takes over. Sometimes I wish I could see what they see, but it’s a game where you really can’t peek. For a moment, they live on their own inaccessible planet.

Beam me up too, Scotty.

Their ability to create a new world and travel through it is totally fascinating.

The children’s murals I create are conceived to be windows to a fantasy universe, portals to access dream worlds.

Here are a few pictures of one of my latest portals…
